Structured Settlements
Structured Settlements are an innovative method of compensating injury victims. Allowed by the US Congress since 1982, a structured settlement is a completely voluntary agreement between the injured victim and the defendant.
Under a structured settlement, an injured victim doesn't receive compensation for his or her injuries in one lump sum. They will receive a stream of tax-free payments tailored to meet future medical expenses and basic living needs.
A structured settlement may be agreed to privately (for example, in a pre-trial settlement) or it may be required by a court order, which often happens in judgments involving minors and incapacitated adults.
American General is highly-rated by the rating agencies for financial strength and is part of Sun America Financial Group, one of the largest insurance companies in the world. We are an industry leader in structured settlements, not only are we one of the first companies to write structured settlements but we have written more premium than any other company. Our customer service area services more than 60,000 structured settlement annuitants annually.
The U.S. Congress has provided the opportunity for injury victims to receive guaranteed, periodic payments as part of their personal injury settlements. In recognition of the value of providing a stable income stream for injury victims, Congress has made structured settlement earnings tax-free. That’s right - tax-free. When you settle a portion of your personal injury claim with a structured settlement, you will have funded known expenses like rent and ongoing medical bills with dependable annuity payments.
Structured settlements have the support of attorneys, legislators, judges and disability advocates because they have seen first-hand what happens to injury victims whose financial security has eroded due to unforeseen circumstances. Structured settlements are viewed as a safety net to provide peace of mind to individuals for long-term financial security. A structured settlement allows the injured party to tailor payments over his or her life. They can be designed for virtually any need. You may set up monthly payments to mirror a paycheck or set up lump sums to payout in the future for known upcoming expenses like a child’s college payments or retirement. There is no need to meet periodically with an investment or tax advisor.
Payments are determined during the settlement process. It gives peace of mind, security and confidence over the long term. For more information on structured settlements, go to the National Structured Settlement Trade Association website ( or call one of our Agency Partners.
Why American General?
A structured settlement payment stream may span thirty, forty years or more. It is important to consider a company that is financially strong and has enough capital to ensure that your investment remains secure. American General's extremely strong capital position allows it to meet its obligations and ensure future growth.